A review by maryconnors6
Spiderlight by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Spiderlight is a humorous quest where an unlikely band of hero's must vanquish a dark lord. Tchaikovsky is so good at satirically and subversively dealing with classic fantasy tropes, managing to hit many of the same beats as Lord of the Rings while sticking the landing with different thought provoking and hysterical results. It reminded me of his other novella, [b:Elder Race|50663055|Elder Race|Adrian Tchaikovsky|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1614008015l/50663055._SY75_.jpg|75680379], with similar themes and lessons, though both are separate standalones.

Age Considerations: 18+, language (f words), gore, violence