A review by mbenzz
The Last Policeman by Ben H. Winters


Meh. This was an okay book. I was far more interested in the Maia, the asteroid that is due to slam into the earth in 6 months, than I was with the murder of Peter Zell. Detective Hank Palace is a very dry character and one who is very difficult to like. He's so serious and analytical. The asteroid seems to have no impact on his day-to-day life, and I just couldn't relate to him at all. Not sure what the hell was going on with his sister Nico at the end of the book, but it was all very strange.

Overall, it was a forgettable book for me. I really want to continue on with the series just to see how the asteroid effects the world the closer it gets to impact, but I just can't being myself to suffer through two more books of Hank Palace.