A review by erinekelly22
God of Neverland: A Defenders of Lore Novel by Gama Ray Martinez


I am a huge Peter Pan fan, I read/watch any retelling or reimagining I can get my hands on.

I loved that this book expanded on Neverland. In the original story by Barrie, Neverland is established and it is a wondrous place, but I believe there is a lot more to it than was shared and Martinez lets us further into that world.

I was disappointed at the entire character of Vanessa. She’s supposed to be this boss-Knight-lady and she knows Michael somehow, etc. I thought that her character could have been utilized more, she was very two-dimensional. As the second to the main male protagonist, she should have had more to her than heroic moves to save the day and snarky one-liners.

I loved all the references to the original story and the creativity that Martinez showed in creating these new conflicts and solutions and loopholes.

Overall it was a good read. Not great, but I am a sucker for anything Peter Pan.