A review by anbananova
Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb


i remembered the badge part of this book from my first read. it wasn’t pretty then and it wasn’t now. but i loved this book. so much happened here. and we met louise and truehart. still waiting to meet all other detectives in the bullpen. 


“Was he wearing a tux?" Peabody had seen Roarke in a tux. The image of it was etched in her mind like acid on glass.
"Oh yeah." Until, Eve mused, they'd gotten home and she'd ripped it off of him. He looked every bit as good out of a tux as in one.
"Man." Peabody closed her eyes, indulged herself with a visualization technique she'd learned at her Free-Ager parents' knees. "Man," she repeated.
"You know, a lot of women would get pissed off at having their husband star in their aide's purient little fantasies."
"But you're bigger than that, Lieutenant. I like that about you.”

“When you're done with this, I want you to go find a hammer."
Peabody had taken out her memo book, nearly plugged in the order, when she stopped, frowned up at Eve. "Sir? A hammer?"
"That's right. A really big, heavy hammer. Then you take it into my office and beat that fucking useless excuse for a data spitter on my desk to dust.”

“You think you're so damn smart."
"Aren't I?"
She managed to choke back a laugh and folded her arms. "Bring it back. You can bring it back."
"Of course, but now it'll cost you." He angled his head, crooked a finger.
Pride fought with expediency. As always, the job won, but she kept a scowl on her face as she skirted the console and joined him behind it. "What?" she demanded, then swore when he yanked her onto his lap. "I'm not playing any of your perverted games, pal."
"And I had such hopes.”

“She was grinning now, stroking the soft, fat body. It didn't occur to her that she'd never had a doll before -- but it had occurred to Roarke. "It's really silly."
"Now, is that any way to talk about our son?" He glanced back at Galahad who'd taken possession of the chair again. His dual-colored eyes narrowed with suspicion before he shifted, lifted his tail in derision, and began to wash. "Sibling rivalry," Roarke murmured.
Eve set the doll in a prominent position on her desk. "Let's see what they make of each other.”

“She thought she'd get out clean, but the foyer monitor blinked on as she reached for her jacket. "Going somewhere, Lieutenant?"
"Jesus, Roarke, why not just knock me over the head with a blunt instrument. Keeping tabs on me?"
"As often as possible. Wear your coat if you're going out. That jacket isn't warm enough for this weather."
"I'm just going into Central for a couple of hours."
"Wear the coat," he repeated, "and the gloves in the pocket. I'm sending one of the four-wheels around."
She opened her mouth, but he'd already vanished. "Nag, nag, nag," she muttered, then nearly jolted when he swam back on-screen.
"I love you, too," he said easily, and she heard his chuckle as the image faded again.”

“She picked up a handful of snow, absently patted it onto the mound. "We've pretty well made up for it," she murmured, then frowned. "You're making it too tall. It should be wider."
He straightened, smiled, then framed her face with snow-covered hands, kissing her when she squealed. "Pitch in or back off."
She wiped the snow off her face, sniffed. "I'm going to build my own and he'll kick your snowman's butt.”

“Her eyes went to slits. "Yours has tits."
"Yes, rather gorgeous ones."
Stunned, Eve clamped her hands on her hips and stared. The figure was sleek and curvy, with enormous snow breasts that had been shaped into wicked points.
Roarke stroked one snowy breast lightly. "She'll lead your pumped-up slab of beef there around by the nose."
Eve could only shake her head. "Pervert. Those boobs are way out of proportion.”

“You've got a great ass, ace," she commented when she followed him in. "Now, get it out of my chair."
He grinned at her. "Why don't you come sit in my lap."
"I don't have time for your perverted games.”