A review by the_rox13
Titans Vol. 3: A Judas Among Us (Rebirth) by Dan Abnett


Synopsis: Omen goes to see Psimon and gets the location of Bumblebee's memories using her psychic abilities, though she discovers one of the Titans will be a traitor. The Titans break into Alton Labs, but Bumblebee's memories have been moved elsewhere. Omen confides in Tempest that one of the Titans will betray them right before Nightwing accuses Omen of having been turned by Psimon. This just leads to a lockdown of the Tower, which doesn't lead to anything because they have to break it for some crisis happening in the city.

Later, Arsenal discovers that Nightwing is the mole in the group. However, Nightwing explains that HIVE infected him with nanotech so he hasn't been voluntarily giving HIVE information. He was only talking directly to them in hopes that it would surprise them enough long enough for him to run a trace on their location. Meanwhile, Bumblebee's husband Mal and another guy named Gnarrk, are also on the hunt for his wife's memories.

Psimon breaks out of Rikers and takes control of Mal and Gnarrk. During the confrontation with Psimon, Wally ends up having a heart attack when he reverses time to save Nightwing. Psimon claims they need more emotional anguish to bring someone there so he returns Bumblebee's memories. This allows an evil Donna Troy, calling herself Troia, from the future to step into their time.

Essentially, Troia is evil because all of her friends died around her while she was immortal. She urges Donna to accept her destiny as a weapon. Of course, she doesn't and there's a fight. Kid Flash has been pulled to the location by the Speed Force and he manages to bring Wally back to life. Donna sends Troia back through the gate she came from and that's that.

Review: You know what would have been actually really cool? If one of the Titans was ACTUALLY a traitor. I'm not talking a "traitor" as in they didn't know they were a traitor via technology or psychic powers. And I am certainly not talking a "traitor" as in a version of one of the Titans in the future. It's such a fucking copout.

That being said, I suppose that it does resolve Donna's issues that began in the first arc when she learned about her true purpose/origin. So in that way, I'm not that angry about it. I liked the emotional journey, but the physical journey was a bit lack luster. It would have been so much better if Donna actually went rogue for awhile. I used to love evil versions of characters in the future, but it's used so much in ways similar to this that it isn't really a crazy plot twist anymore. Plus, Troia? Really, that's what you're going with?

I didn't include it in the summary because it wasn't super necessary, but there is quite a bit of relationship drama with the Titans. I found it funny in the way that everyone had some kind of romantic relationship drama except for Dick, oddly enough. I was glad the Donna love triangle worked itself out, though I'm not sure how her and Roy will fair as a couple. I don't care much for Omen and Garth - I'd rather see her with Wally honestly if he's not going to be a thing with Linda right now.

Also, Wally told Kid Flash to go get the Justice League for Troia and then it doesn't come up again? Regardless, I think that's overkill considering Donna takes care of her in that same issue.

Overall, it's fine. It ties up almost everything up to that point, whether the answers are satisfying or not.