A review by lolasreviews
Penance by Susan Kaye Quinn


I received a copy in exchange for an honest review

Penance mostly deals with the aftermath of the last episode and sets the stage for the last 3 episodes. I enjoyed this episode less then the earlier ones, not sure why exactly. Wraith is still alive and finding out about the price she has to pay. There's a scene where Wraith really shows her wits and hopefully manages to outwit Moloch.

The scene towards the end shows the true extend Moloch will go and it turn also a bit of Wraith's personality. The twist at the end surprised me, but now that I think about it, it follows the same pattern as the first season. I am curious what will happen next and if Wraith will get a happy ending.

We see a bit more from Wraith and Zachariel, although I really wonder how deep Wraith her feelings go for him. She cares, but I never got a feel exactly how much, although the scene at the end does show a bit. I really wonder what's going to happen to Wraith her friends now they got caught up in this. We also meet a new character, not sure how big a role he's going to play, but I did like him. Ishtar surprised me in this episode and I am wondering whether she has a nice side after all or if it's all an act. I can't get a feel for where her loyalties lie.

To conclude: My least favourite episode so far, but still interesting. It deals with the aftermath of the last episode and sets the stage for the rest of the season.