A review by yukirarin
Butter by Asako Yuzuki


Kind of not what I expected when I saw "a novel of food and murder" but an enjoyable read nonetheless. A lot of this book could have been trimmed down, mostly because of the extremely food porn-esque descriptions of food. If you were a true foodie you'd probably love it, for me it didn't do that much besides being kind of lengthy but that may just be me not being much of a foodie. I'm a if it's placed in front of me I'll eat it kind of girl for the most part.

I did enjoy the parallels between Rika and Kajii in their world views and their views of society and how they as women function in it. I don't personally know where I land on the spectrum here. While I wish I could say yes, feminism, women let's go and just let our bodies be whatever we want, I can't deny myself wanting others to find me acceptable and maybe even desirable. Maybe especially being in an asian country with similar traditional views on a women and their bodies, I cannot bring myself to really let myself eat as much as I wish and just get big if I want to. This book did manage to confront me on my own views, and my own image of myself as a woman in an asian society. All in all, a good read but only if you really have the time for it.