A review by jenniey3
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl


What makes a life worth living? This is a question that has certainly plagued each and every one of us at some point during our lives. In times of turbulence when we are confronted with our own morality and faced with some great tragedy, what keeps us pushing onwards?

There are five main sources of power to draw from when we are facing life’s difficulties:

Religion is a powerful force to be reckoned with, for its strengths lie in its faith. Religion becomes what we wish it to be, for it cannot be proven nor disproven. Therefore, such a tool aligns itself with the strength or weakness of our hearts and minds.

Nostalgia allows us to remember the joyous, fleeting moments of the past, and feeds us hope that we can once more experience such happiness.

Humor allows the battered soul to rise above the situation; humor allows us to make light of a dark circumstance.

Having a greater appreciation of the natural beauties around us allows us to practice grace. How many times have I not gazed up at the blue sky? Each clear day is a chance to sneak glances at the sun.

Love is what distinguishes one human being from the next. Two people never look at one person and see the same thing; the way in which we love grants individuality. A life without love–platonic or romantic– is one that loses tremendous meaning.

Essentially, there is meaning in everything. There is meaning in suffering, for “suffering is an ineradicable part of life, even as fate and death. Without suffering and death human life cannot be complete.” Suffering is merely pain, but it is also a choice. Shall you rob yourself of your personal freedoms, shall you succumb to being a puppet of circumstance? Perhaps there is no explicit meaning assigned to the human condition of suffering. It is up to us to make the decision, and assign meaning towards life’s hardships. Much of life hinges itself on perspective, and we have the power to switch the lens.