A review by myrdyr
Wolf by Mo Hayder


I was disappointed. When I saw that it was the 7th in the Jack Caffery series, I thought it was going to focus on him and his story. Unfortunately, this is misleading. Jack's story plays more of a supporting role and almost presents as an afterthought. It feels like Hayder had a small piece of information she wanted to impart to Caffery and the reader, but she couldn't just release a 20 page novella, so she constructed this elaborate plot line as a means of sneaking it in at the end. I enjoyed the main storyline, but I would have preferred Wolf to be a stand alone with no connection to Jack Caffery. She then could have written her next Caffery book and the few relevant bits from this book could have been worked into it in some way. While I like the book, it loses points because I feel like I got ripped off. As a Stand alone, I would have given it 4/5 stars, as a Caffery book, I would give it 2/5 because it was highly unsatisfactory.