A review by lkayydub
This Little Light by Lori Lansens


It is crazy that this was written BEFORE the overturning of roe v wade. I did like the topics on women’s rights and makes you really think about the path America is on and how this could seriously be us in a few years in regards to abortions, religious views, etc. I, however, absolutely hated the writing of this book. I actually almost DNF’d it before the first chapter was done but I stuck it out. I understand that it is from the viewpoint of a gen z writing in her blog but it was so damn annoying and every time I saw “prolly” instead of “probably” I wanted to scream. Rory’s “friends” were all garbage. Every single one of them. And what was up with these parents!? I get that they’re rich but damn, doesn’t anyone give a shit about these kids? I was hovering around a 3 star because I did like the subject matter even though the delivery wasn’t what I liked but then the end of the book smacked me in the face and I was like… what the actual fuck? So yeah. Didn’t like that.