A review by eleana
The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

Did not finish book.


I was one third into it but I really didn''t like it at all and had other books to read so I decided it was not worth finishing.
I have a few issues with this book. The main one though is that it's very poorly written. The writing style reminds me a lot of Twilight as does the main character. The monologues Cassie had with herself weren't cute they kind of made me cringe. I actually found "WTF" spelled out while reading this book and it annoyed me a lot.
My other main issue is the subject. I was never into books that talk about aliens so I guess it's really my fault for picking this book up but I had heard such good things about it. It was not interesting however. It was cheesy and I feel like I've read the exact same thing before.
Generally I'd give this book a 1/5. I don't think I'm going to attempt to finish this any time soon