A review by beyondevak
The Secret to a Southern Wedding by Synithia Williams


Quick Summary: A down home Southern romance experience

My Review: The Secret to a Southern Wedding by Synithia Williams is associated with the Peachtree Cove series.

Premise of the Story: A mother, a daughter, a father, and a son each find love and happiness after enduring horrible tragedies

About the Book: Family secrets, gentlemen callers, dirty affairs, community gossip, and disgruntled relatives are a part of this novel. Despite all that goes wrong, two couples find out what it means to truly have family, as well as a second chance at life.

About the Characters: The leads in this story had an instant attraction to one another. Even though they initially fought against exploring what they felt for each other, they always ended up being drawn back together. I suppose one could say that their coupling was inevitable. With that said, the intensity and expressed depth of love that was communicated toward the story's end came across as rushed, which made me consider the story in a different light.

The parents of the main characters were often a bit much, in my opinion. I did not care for either of them at the beginning of the story. They came across as pushy, stubborn, and a wee bit selfish. They grew on me later (after the pop up visit situation and post the resultant actions taken) but not by much more.

My Final Say: Readers who enjoy hometown love stories with a bit of busybody mess and a hint of second chance reconciliation should like this novel.

Rating: 3.75/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Cover: ⭐

Thank you to the author, to the publisher (Harlequin Trade Publishing, Canary Street Press), and to NetGalley for making this work available in exchange for an honest review.