A review by xobooktrovert
Darkness Embraced by Tillie Cole


Just when you think you are immune to Tillie's dark ways, she finds a way to pull at your last heartstring.

This installment follows Tanner, formerly known as the White Prince of the KKK, and Lita, the daughter of a drug lord in Mexico. We get flashbacks to Tanner's childhood where he was taught to hate people of a different skin color. So imagine his surprise when he falls for Lita when he is a teenager.

“But most of all . . .” He took a deep breath. “Most of all . . . I fucking hate that I want you so much"

It turns quickly turns into a Romeo and Juliet situation. They have to say good-bye to each other to ensure one another's safety, but Tanner promises that he will be back for Lita.

"I love you, princess…Never forget that, even when I’m gone from here…I’ll only ever protect you…I’m gonna find a way for us to be together…someday…no matter how long it takes…”

We know that Tanner left the KKK and joins the Hades Hangmen, but that isn't enough to save Lita just yet. They are at war with the Mexican cartel, Lita's father, and Lita has been promised to another man. He hasn't made contact with Lita for two years and he wonders if she still wants him, loves him.

"We hadn’t spoken for years; it had been too dangerous, too risky to her safety. But it didn’t mean she didn’t still own my dark heart. The bitch had it. would be the only one who ever did. Without her I was dead inside, had been for two years without her. Two long fucking years without having her in my arms. Two years without contact. Wondering if she was still mine. But knowing, with every new day that passed, that I was no good for her.She didn’t need me in her life.We were at war.She was beautiful, and she deserved someone who could give her more.But even knowing that, I couldn’t walk away from her."

This was such an emotional and unexpected ride. Like I mentioned earlier, one would think I would be immune to Tillie's tricks but, unfortunately, I will never be prepared when entering back into the Hangmen's world. There is so much to this book than Tanner and Lita's story. Some major bombs are dropped about some our favorite characters. Things that made my mouth drop open. Darkness Embraced is definitely one of my favorite books in this series.

Sincerely Whitney Signature

This review was originally posted on Sincerely, Whitney