A review by shell_s
Dark Energy by Robison Wells


Ever since picking up Variant I have been eager to read more speculative science fiction by Robison Wells, and I loved this book's characters and situations on their own merits.

As a Star Trek fan to an almost obsessive degree, the premise alone would have grabbed me had it not been Wells' book. Reserved aliens and curious teens are shunted together in a private school as part of an ambassadorial effort, with ominous mysteries surrounding their rough landing...and what or who might follow next...

I am not the sort of reader to snag on questions like "Wouldn't there have been more red tape and a longer quarantine period or something from the traditionally...let's be generous and say 'suspicious' U.S. authorities?" Nope, I am along for the ride and eager to get to the alien encounters portion of our story, thanks!

I loved Alice for being funny and open-minded, and rebellious without being self-destructive about it. The banter with her father and friends and the aliens (and of course the occasionally exasperated school personnel) amused me greatly.

The alien teen characters were all the more intriguing for their silence and slowness to trust, and the more they revealed about themselves the more I came to care deeply about them, too. And unlike with some of my beloved Star Trek universe aliens constrained by a costume and special effects budget, there was an EXCELLENT reason these "visitors" looked so familiar...

The spaceship exploration scenes were tense and eerie. And later there were chase scenes I enjoyed more than I usually might because I was invested in the characters.

No spoilers here but I found the ending thrilling and satisfying. Over too soon, or was I just enjoying myself too much to let go, either way I was pleased. I would enjoy another story in this universe and with these characters, but the ending didn't demand it.

And speaking of demands...or really a suggestion...