A review by mistysreads
Almost Just Friends by Jill Shalvis


Piper is one of the strongest people that I know or have read about. After her parents died she took over raising her two younger siblings. Her siblings are coming home after having life changing experiences. Her goal is to leave and go to college to become a Physician's Assistant and not stay an EMT for the rest of her life. She takes care of everyone before herself.

When a massive storm hits she wades through the mud to go next door to check on him where she comes face to face with a tall, dark, and brooding stranger Cam. Piper has a hard time letting anyone get close, but for some reason she can't help letting Cam in past her walls.

When the secrets start coming out from her siblings everything changes, their lives, what she thinks she knows about her family, and Cam. She realizes that her siblings need her to help them, keep them grounded, but most of all she needs Cam.

Cam is going through a hard time after his brother died. Rowan was younger and raised by their father while Cam stayed with their mother to help take care of her. They had just started becoming brothers again when he was taken away from them. Turns out .... they get to keep a piece of him but everyone knows except for Piper.

Piper and Cam are cut from the same cloth. She helps to save people's lives being an EMT and running into danger. Cam is DEA and Coast Guard special forces also used to running into danger and saving people's lives. From the beginning you can see these two are meant to be together you just don't know what will come up and try to keep them apart. Cam is the guy that every strong woman dreams about. Piper is a strong woman that needs someone to take care of her for a change. I loved this novel and know what its like to be a strong independent women that needs a strong man to take care of you for a change. I'm glad that Jill Shalvis was able to introduce this type of character because you don't see many characters like her these days. A definite recommended read!

Received ARC in exchange for honest and voluntary review from NetGalley.