A review by lauraborkpower
So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson


I'm close to giving this a four-star review, but it's just not substantial enough.

That said, Ronson has written an interesting, relevant, and funny book. He brings himself to the front, beginning with the story of a "spam-bot" that was used as a ersatz "Jon Ronson" on Twitter. He moves on to discuss the hot-button stories, Jonah Lehrer and Justine Sacco, and talks about lesser known "shamed" persons as well as the shaming culture in social media, journalism, and sex.

I like Ronson's mix of pop science, cultural commentary, journalism, and personal essay. I also love his voice: his authorial voice--self-deprecating and curious--and his speaking/narrating voice--a sort of nasal Neil Gaiman, or, more whimsically, a sort of British muppet. It's adorable.

I understand, though, that not everyone wants to listen to nine hours of an adorable British muppet do narration, so be warned if you're thinking of downloading the audiobook.