A review by kaje_harper
Catch My Breath by M.J. O'Shea


This a sweet wish-fulfillment-fantasy story, about two guys who get picked by a talent scout to be part of a newly forming boy-band. They meet, fall in love, and then find out how much of being a successful icon involves the right kind of publicity - a big part of that is appearing available for fans' fantasies. Dating each other, loving each other, does not meet the terms of their contract.

There is some sweet first-love, some sex that is not too explicit (making this fine for older YA) and a little heart-catching angst, as Elliot and Danny deal with the choices between what feels right and necessary as a couple, and what is dictated by the demands of success and the terms of a signed contract. It's a smooth, fast read, and the general effect is warm.