A review by maddycat8
Defiance by Lili St. Crow


The Strange Angels series, to me, are good books. I love the plot, the characters, but the writing is terrible. It just seems so sloppy and written as if in a hurry. Even though the book is very slow and only happens within a few days span. Explain that. Although the writing irritates me to know end, and oh man, how many times will she tell us that her moms necklace is hot or cold on her neck, or that she wishes she would blossom already? Ugh. Ok enough rants lets get to the good parts.

This book happens a few weeks after the last book left off. We begin with Dru in a club trying to lure the 'Suckers' out, (the beginning confused me slightly at first, a little more explanation would have been nice). Dru and gang have been doing this for a while, this way they can kill them, with Dru being the bait. There is action right off the bat when her escape routes quickly get blocked by the suckers so she has to improvise. Shortly after she gets out of there we head back to the Schorla, we are quickly reintroduced to the characters and the going-ons around the school. This is basically all that happens, Dru goes and hangs with Nat and the Laup-garu and has some good, intimate moments with Christophe (Yay!). Things exciting happen with Ash, all leading up to finding the infamous Graves that she can't stop talking about. Pretty much the same game, just different book. There were some good redeeming moments in the book, When Dru is in action, she stands up for herself and puts up a good fight, which I find very likable in a heroin. I thought the moments between her and Christophe were great, much better than her and Graves. Chris is just much more exciting, maybe more frustrating but he has all good intentions behind them. Nathalie has become one of my favorite characters as well, she seems very down to earth but knows how to stand up for herself and can kick-ass all in one. Well this about sums up the book. Heres to hoping the writing gets better with less repetition in it (highly doubted). But I am excited to find out how it all ends in the series.