A review by redamancyreads
Prophecy of Three by Ashley McLeo


I've been thinking over and over on how I wanted to write this review because I wanted to make sure I did this story justice!
Before I began the story, I had just recently read through at least a dozen or so easy-to-read books where not a lot of thinking was required and you just sort of, fly through them. So when I first started this it was almost like I gave myself whiplash with just how descriptive this story is vs the other stories I had just recently finished.
If a descriptive story isn't your cup of tea, then maybe this isn't for you, but I still encourage you to try it out because it really is such a beautifully crafted story. I feel like I can really sense the amount of time and research that the author put into making this story truly authentic.
Well, as authentic as it can be, you know?
I tried explaining to a friend how much I enjoyed all the description throughout and the best I could come up with, to truly capture how I felt about it, was comparing it to a very popular TV show and explaining how the show (also a book series) wouldn't be as good if the author didn't include all the details that he did. If someone else had written the same story but without the descriptive details, I'm not so sure that show/book series would be as popular as it is.
So I say all that to say, if someone else were to take this story and write it without the descriptive details and without all the obvious hard work that went into researching terminology, herbalism, etc, I REALLY do not think I would have enjoyed it as much.
So..really you guys, if witches are your thing and you respect the true art of research and authenticity, I think you should read this. For real. I mean that sincerely! I'm starting book 2 in this trilogy tonight!