A review by princessjulia
Palpasa Café by Narayan Wagle


Quite disappointed with this rating because it's my first ever Nepali book and I really wanted to love it and I thought I would but it fell flat.

I just think that the story didn't really feel like a story but lots of snippets of a story instead, the writing was pretty though and it was easy to read and I never felt bored but that might be because I'm Nepali so to me this was almost like a history book during some parts which made it so much more interesting.

I didn't feel much for the main character though of course I feel for him on a humane level, but my gosh the way he spoke about women and viewed women was so gross and creepy. The 'love' story in this book was not even love it was so one dimensional and it just felt like all the women were there to serve the main character's storyline. However, since this is (sort of?) biographical I suppose I can't hate too much since it must have been what really happened.

Politically I don't really agree with the message this book was delivering, I feel like we missed out on a lot of nuance and there was a lot of privilege that created this message as well.

I really wanted to read this in Nepali but I ordered it in English so I feel like I missed out but maybe one day if I get my hands on a Nepali edition I would be willing to reread this. Not sure if I would recommend it, the only reason I would is because it's Nepali like me!