A review by kaulhilo
My Mechanical Romance by Alexene Farol Follmuth


i think this might just be the "nicest" book i've ever read.
this is the book that i hope every book will turn out like, when i start them, this is the book that is frankly the reason i got into, and am still into, reading in the first place. anyone who knows me knows how much i love anything to do with math or physics; getting to read romance books that incorporate this might just be my favorite thing on the planet. and yet i've always found myself wanting for that "perfect" romance book, that brings justice to the genre while being faithful to the science.
my mechanical romance was just that, and so much more. working in a young adult (high school) bracket, with a main character who has a knack for mechanics, if not the theoretics of it so much; this book discovers what's it like to find the thing you're passionate about, and jumping into it headfirst, even if you didn't initially plan to. it talks about the stark contrast of privilege against the underprivileged, how it can alter your life, and never let you debate otherwise. it's about finding your footing and your place, and accepting all of you, even the parts you previously thought you already had.

on a lighter note, i loved so much about this! the characters are one of the few i've come across that are an absolute joy to read, are fully-fledged interesting and complex, and so, so realistic they made me reassess my own life. i honestly feel like i read every page twice over, just because it was so much fun! the romance was.. categorically speaking, perfect. two "nerds" geeking out about physics and robots and taylor swift (what more could i ask for?).. there's this one taylor swift reference that made me slam the book shut and squeal for about 30 minutes. i wish(!!) i was kidding.
the writing was so wonderful, so beautiful without being overt or extravagant, and made every page a delight to read. it gave you hope, in yourself and in tomorrow, in the simplest way possible. it felt like the warmest hug, from the warmest people, with robots cluttered around you while shake it off plays in the background.

i feel like i could go on about this all day; i'm not gonna pretend i'm not biased, but i will say this is a book that will forever be in my heart, as perhaps one of my favorite books read this year (and ever). thank you to holiday house for the arc, and 5,000/5 stars.