A review by deecreatenola
Stretched Too Thin: How Working Moms Can Lose the Guilt, Work Smarter, and Thrive by Jessica N. Turner


This is the book I wish I had when I started my mom journey, not one (that I've been fortunate to get as a pre-release read) when I have a teenager. There are so many great ideas, helpful suggestions, and ways that Jessica shows she is right there in the trenches and really gets this topic.

The book is broken up into digestible bites - each on a different topic like marriage, parenting, organization, and self-care. She draws not just on her own experiences, but of moms she's surveyed and interviewed. She goes to great lengths to cover moms that aren't carbon copies of herself, so she considered night shift moms, single moms, and homeschooling moms.

This would be a great gift for a new mom as she goes back to work.