A review by sierra_color
Fly by Night by Tara O'Connor


This book has a very unique story, but I feel like it's starting to share some similarities with other graphic novels I read.
What do I mean?

Well, pacing issues. I mean, I get it, because the book IS short. But it's like also.. why do we have all this environmental stuff. Why couldn't we get more of a focus on some other elements? Like for example, show the reader memories of the main character and her sister, and how them getting separated really changed them. And don't get me wrong, I do like the environmental stuff, and I do think that's really cool, but I feel like too much time is given to it. Why can't that time be given to the main character and her sister, or better yet, the main character and Vida.

Okay, spoilers ahead.
Vida and the main character, Dee, have a lot in common. Both lost a twin, care about the environment, and I feel like these two share a genuine bond. It would've been really cool if we had more time with them, got to see how losing a twin has affected the both of them, and see them help each other through that unique grief. But we don't really get that, and I feel like the book would've benefitted from being.. longer! Having more character interactions, and more time to develop the unlikely friendship between a teenage girl and a Jersey devil.

I also feel like this book tries to sell you the mystery/ who done it aspect, but.. kind of fails. For me at least, it doesn't do a good job of setting up the resolution to the mystery. I also feel like there wasn't enough focus on the mystery, because of all the environment stuff. That took SO much of the story! I do get it, that the forest was a special place for her and her sister, but again.. show me that. Instead of telling me that. Give me more than ONE memory of them going on adventures in the woods.

Alright, to sum this up, I love the art within this book. But it needed more time. For me at least. I wish Dee could've interacted with the Jersey Devil within the story more, I also wish that there had been less of a focus on the environment stuff, and more focus on the characters/ mystery. Because while the environment stuff is important, it all does feel like a bit too much within this story. I feel like what makes a story is its' characters, so not having more time with Dee, or even her sister, kinda does make this story a bit lack luster. We don't get to see much of their bond before/ after the divorce, and I think it would've been interesting to see that. It also would've made Dee feel more real and grounded too.

I feel like it's got really good moments, but it definitely could've been better. I wish there had been more of an exploration of the relationships between twins, grief, separation, and all that stuff.
I do feel like the ending was pretty cool and unique, but also.. a bit.. too convenient for my liking. I hope I'm not being too hard on this book lol. I genuinely do like it, and want more from this author, and I just hope this book will be a stepping stone for O' Connor. They have a lot of potential! It's just story wise, things needed more time/ needed to be fleshed out.