A review by ladyfernzey
Black Moon Draw by Lizzy Ford


(I deleted my profile for awhile so updating wth my reviews and reviews from my blog)

***Disclaimer*** I received a copy for free from the author in exchange for an honest review.

As a reader I am sure like me you have, wished yourself to be in the book your currently reading at the time or perhaps your all time favourite book? How could i pass the opportunity to join Naia, on this wonderful fairytale like adventure? I could not nor could i drag myself away from the book till i had finished reading, it drew me in and held my attention. I just could not escape and hated when it ended I wanted more.

The melding of the two worlds Naia's and the shadow knights worked seamlessly. It flowed perfectly and was fast paced with enough twists to keep me wanting to read more. I really enjoyed how before Naia was sucked into the Black Moon Draw, we got to know the shadow knight and his world as if we were reading a regular book. The two point of views from our main characters worked perfectly I found them both to be reliable story tellers and to have all the qualities you expect our hero and heroine to have. They are both flawed and troubled from the start but are relatable and realistic because of these flaws and their strengths. I felt like both characters under went a lot of growth throughout the book and Naia was just incredible in all aspects, as annoying her self doubt could be it was truly realistic and I can relate to her in so many ways.

I am not a big fantasy reader, however i thoroughly enjoyed this book. The world building was outstanding and although some aspects might be seen as borrowed, in no way is this book unoriginal. It truly is, everything just seemed to work and so many twists and turns mixed with action it's hard to pick faults. I even thought that all of the pop culture references worked well, it felt playful and added a element of humour to what was a serious situation for Naia and the other characters to be in. My favourite parts of the book were when Naia was trying to communicate with the author or berating the author for time inconsistency and other things. The amount of times I caught myself chuckling aloud, it's lucky that my husband knows I am not crazy (just normal woman crazy LOL).

I would recommend this book if you like fantasy books and have ever wanted to be in a book you have read or are reading. It is a unique read. I would liken it to the Labyrinth, never ending story and princess bride all the golden oldies from many of our childhoods.