A review by annashiv
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values by Robert M. Pirsig


For me it is more like one and a half stars. I managed to get through it but only just. It's not something I would read for fun. I read it for a class and that is the only reason. I am fine with the idea that reading doesn't always have to be fun, but this was a little much. Maybe it's just because I'm a little too biased against anyone from the 70's. I could not handle any use of the word 'groovy.' other problems were the huge rhetorical passages that went on for 40 pages in order to get to any sort of conclusion about an idea. This would be okay if it made any logical sense, but often times it doesn't. The most enjoyable and interesting parts were about his insanity, but there isn't a lot about that. I would not recommend this to anyone who is only looking for fun reads. This is not a fun read. It's an exhausting one.