A review by amz101
The Open Door by Laurelin Paige


What a sexy as hell read...

Well, to be honest, I was not expecting what I got when I dived into this. I knew it was going to be a sexy read. It's a Laurelin Paige book, it was a given. The author has written some of the sexiest books I've read before... and this was no different, and like most her other books, it held more than kinky sex, and bdsm elements. It held depth, and I actually feel like I’ve taken something positive away this book. Whether that was the authors intent or not, I’m not sure.

JC and Gwen are a favorite couple of mine and it was good to dive into their story a couple of years down the track. They are back and they're married, with three kids and I am no parent but those that are can probably relate to the way of life they now live, and how much things have changed for them. Nappies and sleepless etc, and work work work... It is a routine that can be so easy to fall into for any married couple with children, but after JC brings home an invitation to The Open Door (sex club) where you go and watch and even play sometimes. The invitation is too good to pass up, but after having three children Gwen isn't 100% sure she is comfortable enough with her own body to participate in front of many others... She's hesitant and I can completely understand that side of it, but JC manages to convince her, and it honestly didn't take much. He adores her, he loves her beyond belief and is loyal, loving and caring, so how can she not trust this mans words?

So, once they both agree... It's off to The Open Door, and holy fuck shit... As I said above, I knew this was going to be a hell of sexy read but... I was not expecting it to almost melt my kindle in my hands. It was seriously off the charts kind of hot and I devoured every single word... And although this is short steamy hot novella it still managed to hold more than just sex. It kind of gives out a message that just because you are married, and have children and your life has settled in a way yet is chaotic in another way... It doesn't mean you can't get out there and have fun with the person you love and that sometimes it is healthy to spice things up, to have fun, And that even though Gwen's body may have changed after having children and she may not be 100% comfortable in her own skin, it doesn't make her any less desirable, and JC proves that time and time again... He's the perfect husband! Well that's what I got from this novella, and in my opinion, every word was perfect, but I shouldn't have expected anything less than perfect from Ms. Paige. Her writing is always flawless and it's so easy to fall into a plot and lose the sense of time, or even day because I just get so fixated with her words, and the way she weaves them together to create a masterpiece such as this. This is definitely going on my re-read pile and I am praying she puts this in audio form! Absolutely loved this book!