A review by mirable
Mortal Fire by Elizabeth Knox


Booklist review:

Sixteen-year-old Canny Mochrie has always been different: too cold, too brown, and too strange. She can see something extra—unreality along the edges of things—so she knows immediately that the Zarene Valley is not what it appears to be. A strangely familiar magic has permeated everything, and as Canny is drawn to Ghislain, a handsome 17-year-old boy, she discovers a secret that has defined the Zarenes and the valley for years may be tied to her own murky family history. Knox takes readers on a journey to a world just slightly askew from our own. Intricately plotted, highly literate prose, along with alternating points of view, illuminates the fantastical heart of the story. This is a superficially straightforward tale of girl meets boy (and falls in love and loses him and then fights to save him) made complex through magic and dreams and their repercussions on reality. This is one of those books that, when finished, prompts the reader to go back and reread it in hopes of catching all the clues along the way. Grades 7-11. --Charli Osborne