A review by stefhyena
The Red Queen by Isobelle Carmody


So...The first book of the year for me and I have to give it the full 5 stars. Carmody is still one of my favourite authors. It is rare that I can read over 1100 pages with so many characters and not complain about either of those things. There is also more romance in this book than I would normally like and most of it is pretty predictable and stock standard BUT with so much respect and courage and compassion that it won me over.

The ability of characters in the book to sacrifice their own desires for the greater good- to commit to a quest for the sake of the world, the people and animals they love and yet to weave in the humanity of holding hands and preparing food and longing for a loved ones smile was very humanising. Elspeth is an inspiring heroine but she is also flawed and human, uncertain and at times almost wavering. She has to grow as a character and learn things from others. The book for me struck the perfect balance between individuals and building communities of hope and support for the public good. I've made it sound idealistic and being the last book of a long series I suppose it was more light filled and idealistic than the very dark beginnings, however complexity and cruelty and suffering and loss were still present, its positivity was tempered by loss. Evil in the book is believable- at times broken and weak individuals and at times an inexplicable lust for power and the pain of others...but not in a cartoonish way.

A lot of stuff I want to say would be considered spoilers. All the characters you hope (from the previous books) seem to be in it and most one way or another get either what they deserve or at least a taste of it! Dragon comes of age beautifully and for people who like animals more than people the book is strong on that as well. It's very vegan for such a mainstream series.

Anyway you won't be reading this unless you read the other 6 [b:Obernewtyn|47916|Obernewtyn (Obernewtyn Chronicles, #1)|Isobelle Carmody|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312034242s/47916.jpg|3268255] books, you are either already a fan and don't need my recommendation (but won't be disappointed) or it's time you tried out the series for yourself.


I can see why [a:Isobelle Carmody|26878|Isobelle Carmody|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1253191710p2/26878.jpg] took so long writing it too. Worth it!