A review by broccolipoof
The Notebook, the Proof, the Third Lie: Three Novels by Ágota Kristóf


Incredibly dark read with a twisty story. A grim fairytale story that is very rich with its characters, story progression, and story mechanics. Made me start a goodreads account.

The first book appeared simple, just because of the writing style. Despite of this, the story does describe complex and brutally dark events, with tricky foreshadowing if you can piece together info from different chapters.

The 2nd book turns everything around with a different story device. Instead of first person singular, you’re reading 3rd person. This personally made me feel like the book was more “mature”, and it brought along a lot of sad stuff. But the plot is always churning forward, with lots of sad characters and sad events.

The final book is where my brain broke and I instantly made this trilogy an all time favorite. Big info is learned here, and it fully re-contextualizes the first 2 books. Super sad, and you will walk away with a hole in your heart.

Hard to get a copy! I believe it’s out of print, and had to have a used library ship it to me.