A review by rafternorth
The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson


“Macfarlane,’ began Fettes, still somewhat hoarsely, ‘I have put my neck in a halter to oblige you.’

‘To oblige me?’ cried Wolfe. ‘Oh, come! You did, as near as I can see the matter, what you downright had to do in self-defence. Suppose I got into trouble, where would you be? This second little matter flows clearly from the first. Mr. Gray is the continuation of Miss Galbraith. You can’t begin and then stop. If you begin, you must keep on beginning; that’s the truth. No rest for the wicked.”

I can understand how this might have spooked people in 1884 and I did catch the significance of K—who I am sure is supposed to be Robert Knox (If you aren’t familiar with the murders of Burke and Hare, look it up. Interesting bit of history there), but Historical entanglements aside, I just found the story to be very boring. The supernatural ending felt like it was just tacked on and didn’t make any sense, which was a real bummer.

Great title. I respect it for the historical reference, but was disappointed.

Rating: 2 Stars