A review by pages_and_procrastination
Who Do, Voodoo? by Rochelle Staab


I have to admit that I really enjoyed this book a lot more than I expected. And I love it when books surprise me like that. I was reading about this title from a list of 2011 releases, not sure exactly where, and thought that it sounded interesting. But after I started reading it, interesting went right out the window. I couldn’t put it down. Now, I have to point this out, but this book was the perfect size of entertainment. Dealing with murder and the occult and humor, there is a great risk of going overboard. Instead, Rochelle did an excellent job of combining all three elements into an incredible story.
Usually when I am reading mysteries I want to try to figure it all out. When the story is well-written it takes me a while before I figure everything out-if I ever do. I love the mysteries that slap you in the face with the unexpected. With this book though, I was more into Liz’s process and journey that I kind of forgot that there was a murder that needed to be solved. That’s not saying anything bad about the story or the plotting. That’s just how much I liked Liz’s character. Liz doesn’t believe in the occult, doesn’t feed into the superstitions of the tarot cards or voodoo. She’s very rational and logical. She’s also a rule-breaker (obviously since she takes it upon herself to clear her friend’s name).
If I had known the ending of the story when I first started reading, I may have been a bit more surprised. But by the time you naturally arrive at the end, everything clicks into place and it fits. It’s not a surprising right out of left field conclusion. But it is also not disappointing. This was a quick and enjoyable read and I am definitely going to keep up with this series. My recommendation: pick up a copy and enjoy. Oh did I mention that the mom who is determined to reconcile Liz and her ex-husband is hilarious and I can see a bit of my mom in her?