A review by fisk42
Honor Among Thieves by James S.A. Corey


I'm not sure what I was hoping for when I started reading this. Maybe I secretly wanted the crew of the Rochiante to appear it the Star Wars universe, who knows. All in all it just didn't feel like a James S.A. Corey book to me (whatever that means) but it was still good.

As far as the characters go, the authors got them down pretty well. They have said that in preparation for this book they watched the original trilogy several times to get a good grasp of Han Solo. This pays of as the book feels like a continuation of the movies, and is where the novel really pays off for the reader.

The entire plot revolves around Solo on a short mission after the battle of Yavin to pick up a Rebel spy. This of course doesn't happen according to plan because Jabba's bounty hunters have once again caught up with Han. The spy Han is picking up has plans of her own as well, before they can return to the Rebellion they have to pursue her leads further. These leads eventually end up with them on the trail of a mysterious superweapon left by a long extinct race. Given the relatively short length of recorded history in the Star Wars universe it would seem as if there would be many such technologies long abandoned. I was glad to see James S.A. Corey use this sci-fi trope.

Overall a must read for the Han Solo enthusiast and a good read for anyone looking for another Star Wars adventure.