A review by jewel13
Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life by Thomas Moore


A book to keep as a reference and a reminder that tending to the soul takes many different forms, but is necessary. We have lost touch with our soul and the soul of the world.

I think his words say it best

“A spiritual life of some sort is absolutely necessary for “psychological health;” at the same time, excessive or ungrounded spirituality can also be dangerous…”

“ Modern psychologies and therapies often contain an unspoken but clear salvational tone. If you could only learn to be assertive, loving, angry expressive, contemplative or thin, they imply, your troubles would be over.”

“No one can tell you how to live your life. No one knows the secrets of the heart sufficiently to tell others about them authoritatively.”

“Care of the soul speaks to the longings we feel and to the symptoms that drive us crazy, but it is not a path away from shadow or death. A soulful personality is complicated, multifaceted, and shaped by both pain and pleasure, success and failure. Life lived soulfully is not without its moments of darkness and periods of foolishness. Dropping the salvational fantasy frees us up to the possibility of self-knowledge and self-acceptance, which are the very foundation of soul.”