A review by mariakureads
Her Wicked Longing by Lauren Smith


I found out through reading [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] that there were events being talked about within the first quarter of the book that didn't happen in that book as the events happened within this book, novella really.

Why was there not a hint of this one within [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] is beyond me, as I had to stop reading that one to find out the Smith wrote a novella, this one, that covered the very same events that I was missing. I went back to flipping through [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] thinking I missed this novella's mention but alas no.

My disgruntlement goes further as I don't see why there was a need for these two novellas to be printed in a separate "book" rather than just have the pages added to the current book(s)? I understand a teaser but these two stories were much better off to be added within the actual book of that pairing as it was odd to read [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] and realize early that a lot was going on but not within that book. Each of these stories are roughly about 30 pages a piece and while nicely written, I don't know if this should constitute as a book, much less to be included within a series as a full volume as it reads as two short stories for what Smith would later write into full books. I could understand this being released as a teaser book for marketing purposes but not a book book.

I read this quickly in order to get back to my original read and I can tell you that had this pages been added to the beginning of [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] , that entire first quarter would have read a lot better and given the reader a better understanding of the characters.

If you are going to be reading [b:Earl of Pembroke|36505926|Earl of Pembroke (Wicked Earls' Club, #10)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1509400801s/36505926.jpg|58224031] or even [b:His Wicked Secret|40196609|His Wicked Secret (League of Rogues #8)|Lauren Smith|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1527052657s/40196609.jpg|62389217], do yourself a huge favor and read this one first, otherwise reader, like me, you might be a bit confused as to what this group of characters are even talking about.