A review by thebooktrail88
Pendulum by Adam Hamdy


Book your literary journey at the Literary Travel Agency : The Booktrail

Oh dear goodness - I met the author at Harrogate - what a lovely man! Now I've read his book I'm a little scared of him.I have only just come out from behind the sofa after reading this one.

There's a lot of depravity here - a man on the run for his life being chased all over London and a chase which takes the investigation all the way across the pond to New York. Think The Fugitive meets The Scarlet Pimpernel - you never know where the killer is or where the protagonist Wallace is going to run to next but wipe that brow of yours as it's an adrenalin fuelled story.

I mean imagine finding yourself with a noose around your neck? Jeepers - and this is only the start. I was going to say Adam Hamdy is the type of writer who ropes you into the action but that is a little TOO true here. Just remember to breathe. I read this sitting on my sofa and now realise how macabre the little rope pulley on the blinds looks - a miniature pendulum if you will. That's how this novel messes with your mind. Hamdy-itis I'm calling it.