A review by seeinghowitgoes
Snowball in Hell by Josh Lanyon


When a body is discovered in the tar pits of LA, it's up to Lt. Matthew Spain to find the culprit, but it's not helping things when Journalist Nathan Doyle insists on sticking his nose into things that he has no business with. Or does it? Doyle is suddenly involved in every aspect of the case and Lt Spain has a reason to take a long hard look at this Journalist still recovering from his stint in the war.

This particular of Snowball in Hell is a re-edit of the original novella published in 2007, it's a short story but Josh Lanyon has the gift of being able to twist a mystery and keep it intriguing regardless of the length of the story.

The romance aspect of the story plays out well, respecting both the personalities of the characters as well as the timeline of the novel. Even so I found the progression of the relationship a little rushed and feel that their story could have benefited a little more if given more time in a full length novel.

Received as an ARC via NetGalley