A review by bookishbea
Rook by Sharon Cameron


Hands down, THE BEST book I have ever read. The plot is terrific, but the main thing that caught me in this book was the writing. A matter-of-fact and witty style is woven into every bit of sly dialogue, witty banter, and hilarious 1st person commentary. Sharon Cameron really outdid herself here. I have never read a book like this, and I am a HUGE YA reader.
The humor comes not from funny instances, but the clever dialogue, quick-witted remarks, and somewhat smart tone. The characters are fully developed, full of personality, soul, and heart. They could easily jump right off the page. Sophia Bellamy (who I am going as for Halloween), is the kind of heroine we need more of in YA literature. Her quick, clever wit is endearing and unique, you can't help but root for her. She's stubborn but smart, cunning but kind, and is just flawed enough to make her likable and able to grow. I love her!!

With mystery, humor, heart, and the slow burning romantic tension that we all so adore, no review could do this magic-on-paper wonder justice.

And the setting! The setting is beyond special, beyond unique. A post-apocalyptic fantasy that has quirk, drama, and a lush, rich, and spellbinding future setting? Something like this could only come from Sharon Cameron. With enough scientific background to render this story believable and intriguing, but not so much as to overwhelm the reader.
There are the little, tiny details that make a book special, and the big, grand schemes that make it dramatic and powerful. It has everything a YA fantasy.dystopian needs, but not too much of anything. Detailed and intriguing, but not confusing. Cameron has really got it down to an art, one I think everybody should appreciate.
Imagine The Scarlet Pimpernel + Clue + Jane Austen + Miss Scarlet and the Duke + Unique, intriguing and entirely original Sharon Cameron (one of my top favorite authors).

I have read this book 5 times in the last three months, since I read it. I have talked about if to my family and friends so much they know it almost as well as I do. It is amazing, delicious, and suspenseful. Out of this world good.

A little gory, but not too bad for 12+.

I also wish there was at leasts one LGBTQ+ character.