A review by ciannareider
ExtraLife, Inc. by Kfir Luzzatto


Grade: B+ (Strong 4 stars)

This book really caught me off guard. The premise was interesting, but I was worried that a story based on a patent attorney wasn't going to really hold my attention, but as I kept creeping deeper into the world of this "cure for cancer" my brain alarms started going off, and the book just took off for me. It's just got such a great way about it. The intricate details of the crafting of the storyline and the characters were just so good, each little turn we saw something and our brains just filed it away for later, and a nice big "ah ha" moment. The writer obviously crafts a compelling tale in this story. I mean, at first, it's a bit slow, but once you really get into the ride, you are thrown back and forth, and you start to be confused on which way is up. I loved it. I think the attention to detail in the book is really what makes this such a great mystery. We're given clues all along, but we don't really notice them because of the way things are written, and it's intentional. I usually always guess the ending of mystery novels before I get there, but this one, though I did pick up on some clues, I did not see it coming. The author wants you to get to the end and be shocked (and I was), but then in your head, you start to see it, understand it, and it hits you like a freight train but in a really good way. Don't miss out on picking up this book. I really didn't want the book to be over, and secretly i'm hoping for a sequel, just so I can know more, but unlikely. It's a wild ride, but one I believe you'll thoroughly enjoy.

**I was given a copy of this book in exchange honest opinion. All thoughts are my own.