A review by gumboeditor
The Actual Star by Monica Byrne


Three sets of intertwined protagonists--one each in 1012, 2012, and 3012--have their stories converge through the ATM cave in Belize. Covering topics from climate change to gender identity to self-discovery, The Actual Star gives the reader a lot to think about as each topic is viewed through the lens of each millennium. It speaks to the skill of the author that the storylines work in a call and response manner and come to a satisfying conclusion. I truly just got lost in the world of the book and let it wash over me. I tend to read shorter books but I am so glad that I read The Actual Star. This is a massive book; both physically and mentally. When I was reading it, I was lost in its world, thinking and experiencing the same things the protagonists did. When I wasn't reading the book, I was still lost in its world, thinking about what I had just read and anticipating what would come next. Phenomenal book. So hard to summarize. If you like NK Jemisin, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ann Leckie, or Neal Stephenson, you should read this book.