A review by susanscribs
Love Him Free by E.M. Lindsey


Wow, this didn't work for me at all, which is a shame because I really enjoyed the author's Iron & Works series ([b:Free Hand|44752509|Free Hand (Irons and Works, #1)|E.M. Lindsey|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1554153249l/44752509._SX50_.jpg|69385197] et al). But I guess I should have known because it uses some of my least favorite tropes: porn star MC, insta-love and an almost Old Skool fascination with the other MC's virginity. I didn't buy the relationship between the MCs and I was bored with all of the sex scenes, so I ended up skimming through the last 30% or so.

I did appreciate the complex relationship between Simon and his brother Levi, who apparently already had his own book written by a different author. They start out barely speaking and end up in a much better albeit realistic place; you can't undo decades of bad feelings in a few days and I'm glad the author didn't try to tie everything up neatly with a bow.

Gets points for strong Jewish and Deaf representation, but that wasn't enough to overcome my dislike for the plot. Sorry Ms. Lindsey, this is a rare miss for me.