A review by hollaback77
The Attraction of Adeline by Lisa Wells


Adeline Rigby will live with Accountant Jack Foster and pretend to be his fake fiancée for one month in order for him to seal a promotion to partner. In return, Accountant Jack Foster will intimately tutor Adeline Rigby in French before she leaves for Paris where she will fulfill her dream of attending Le Cordon Bleu.

The Terms:

1. Maintain distance. Three get-to-know-you dates before announcing their engagement will be tempting enough.

2. No kissing. Okay, fine. Three kisses. Maybe four. And neck kisses don’t count.

3. No touchy feely stuff. Or at least not too many public displays of touchy-feely stuff.

4. No sex.

5. All right, all right. One night of sex in order to be a believable engaged couple.

6. Two nights of mind-blowing sex to make sure first night wasn’t a fluke.

7. Absolutely, positively, no falling in love.

I really liked this book. The premise is one of those that's "been there and done that" but the actual book was great. The writing was stellar, and the characters were well fleshed out and funny. I would describe Adeline in one word - Aspergers. The girls got serious social skill issues. She says the wrong things at the wrong times, and she does the wrong things at the wrong times. I was sitting there reading and counting on my fingers all the symptoms of Aspergers she had. She reminded me of Temperance from Bones. Her directness and sometimes bordering on rudeness - that she didn't mean. I found this book refreshing! Jack, Oh Jack!! You are the perfect man! Dude kept me reading all night. If there were an accountant like Jack in our town, well he'd have our business. He was sweet, funny, sexy and did I mention sexy? I did, didn't I?

He meets Adie while she's dancing on a stripper pole and knocks herself out...Jack being the great guy he is and also being the responsible brother of Adie's best friend - get's manhandled into watching Adie by said sister. What starts out as a night of watching a concussed Adeline, turns into a proposal for a fake fiance for his accounting firm. Craziness, sadness, and outright hilarity ensue between these two and make this an absolute gem of a book for me. I would definitely pick up another novel written by Lisa Wells in a heartbeat.

I was given a copy of this ARC from the publisher on NetGalley for an honest review. All of the above comments are my express opinions and no one else's.