A review by sickwithsin
The House of Dead Maids by Clare B. Dunkle


Just finished reading The House of Dead Maids ... and I'm not sure what to think of it.

On one hand, I'm wishing that it had been a standalone novel. With some decent plot (and character) development, Dead Maids could have been a ripping ghost story - instead there's just barely enough plot to connect the story to Wuthering Heights. The end of Dead Maids gets wrapped up in a neat little bow - which dulls some of the fright and suspense of the previous pages.
Somehow Tabby's story ends up being both a prelude to and inspiration for Wuthering Heights. What?

On the other hand, this novel did almost kind of make me want to read Wuthering Heights, so mission accomplished I suppose ...

Yeah, no. The House of Dead Maids could have been great, should have been standalone. Two stars for wasted potential.