A review by tommlachance
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken


3/5 as a reading experience. I do not think this book is really meant to be read front to back. The individual ideas comprising the book are almost all interesting in their own right and worthy of attention. Cows and trees? I'm in. Cows on the beach? As long as they're eating the jellyfish. More cows and more trees? Yes please thank you very much.

Kinda reminds me of the Pokemon guides you used to get at the Scholastic book fairs. You didn't read them front to back, you skim, you find the good Pokemon, and you come back to those obsessively every couple of days. You are not wasting your time with fucking kakuna when you could be looking at some gengar or reading about the size of a lapras shell. The main differences being that nothing in Drawdown is as bad as kakuna, and coming back to this book every once in a while is probably not a complete waste of one's time.