A review by shaysshelf
Lipstick & Camera Clicks by D.J. Murphy


Indigo, River & Kade. 

I think I liked the premise of this book more than I liked the actual book and that is almost entirely due to the fact that I'm still so confused about what and who Indigo actually wants and who she is as a character. 

This was messy. I don't expect characters or people to be perfect. I expect mistakes and learning and growth. What we got from Indigo was a bit of a mess, constant contradictions in both words, feelings and actions, and very little understanding of who Indigo actually is. 

I found myself rooting for Kade, the second love interest, because he ended up being the best of them all even though in the end he perceived as the villain. He deserved so much better. 

All that to say, Lipstick & Camera Clicks is a story about a woman who dropped her friends for a guy who was cheating on her. Once she left him, she signed up for a reality tv dating show that her best friend whom she has been in love with her whole life is a producer. It's basically the bachelor except the lead is a celebrity trying to "clean up his image". She is also very open about the fact she is strictly on the show for the opportunity to promote herself as a makeup artist. 

I'm not a huge fan of love triangles to begin with, but I came in with an open mind. Ultimately, I left disappointed. When I first finished this book I didn't think it was too bad, but the more I thought about it and as I was trying to figure out what I would write in my review, stars seemed to keep falling off my rating. 

Thank you to NetGalley and the author for the ARC.