A review by chaosdemonmonster
The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy



I had high hopes for this book since it was a strong female main character and the MCs had to work together for both their happiness and success. That said, the characters were very single faceted (she liked business, he likes antiquities - and sex/innuendo but that isn't a personality trait I count in a romance novel), there were multiple instances of communication issues making me scream at my book JUST FRIGGIN TALK TO EACH OTHER WITH YOUR WORDS YOU PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE IDIOTS, and the one track mind of the MMC always turning everything to a dirty reference really grated on me after a while because the timing was just annoying (especially when the FMC was actually trying to have a serious conversation). A random other note is the hyperfixation on the FMC's body under her clothes which, to be fair, annoyed me more than it should because of my knowledge of historical fashion. Curves in the late 1800s were manufactured with corsets and padding but that was only remembered when it was convenient (like when playing with the FMC's breasts over the top edge of the corset she was wearing).