A review by raynebair
Dirty Dining by E.M. Lynley


This book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

This book was a pleasure to read. The dinner scenes were hot and sexy. It was nice that Jeremy didn't seem embarrassed by his job and he talked openly about it with his roommate. He seemed to fit in with the dinner club boys extremely well. No jealous backstabbing going on there either, which was nice. The boys were having a good time and making money as well. The club environment could have gone in a completely different, darker direction and I was expecting it. I'm not sure I trusted it at any point during the story. Thomas seemed too good to be true, but maybe because I've read too much dark m/m. ha!

Based on the blurb, I was expecting more drama, more angst, more relationship problems with the whole funding issue, but it didn't come up until about 70% into the book, after a mostly hot buildup of Jeremy and Brice's relationship. Then it was resolved quickly with little drama and angst. More details of how it was resolved would have been nice, rather than it occurring off the page then being "filled in" about it when Brice explained to Jeremy. But I guess that wasn't quite the focus of the story, so it's forgivable.

Overall, it was a low angst, low drama sexy read.