A review by littleragondin
Black Fire by Sonni Cooper


I can't say it was a very good or well written book, but damn! it was a fun ride. In a "wtf is happening? Is *Spock* actually doing that?" kind of way.

The prose is nothing to gush about, the pacing felt pretty terrible to me, and that ending was both rushed *and* a pretty weak way to resolve all the story (I actually groaned when I read it).

I don't think every idea in there is to throw away tho: I liked the idea of the Tomarii, I thought the interractions of Spock and the Romulans could have been very interesting and carry a lot of emotional weight, and all the martial court story could have made a pretty great thriller-in-space plot.
Sadly, none of those ideas were used to their full potential, I think mostly because there were so many of them at the same time. We jump between the various plots *and* two different places (where Spock is and where the Enterprise is) during the whole novel, which gave a very disjointed feeling to the story.

So I finished the book, had my share of fun with what was there, but I won't reread it and I wouldn't recommand it.