A review by lezreadalot
Dragonoak: The Complete History of Kastelir by Sam Farren


FUCK. I loved this.

SpoilerAs always, characters and character interaction are what I love and cling to, and this had a couple of absolutely amazing blossoming relationships that I just. I'm SWOONING thinking about it. The slow build of trust between Rowan and Sir Ightham was fucking delicious. Every inch that Rowan earned with her made me want to punch the air, and the slow turn to romance was ksjhfkjdshfsd. My copy is half highlighted passages of them saying meaningful stuff to one another.

And the burgeoning friendship (and moreship?!?!) between Rowan and Ran was so satisfying I want to screech. They were so playful and wonderful and sweet and tender with each other. And there was never any jealousy and there are two more book in the series so fingers crossed for poly!!! I just loved the dynamic. Rowan is this powerful necromancer coming into her own, and yet here are these two strong amazing women who will do any and everything to protect her. Every time Ran gave her a piggy back ride or let Rowan hold her horns I screamed.

A quick word about Ran and the pane in general: hot????? Favourite fictional fantasy race ever???? Fucking... do me??????????????

World-building was fun and detailed and very creative, though I definitely feel like I lost a lot of threads (most of that is my own fault, I took a break in reading, came back to it without refreshing my memory) and it could have used a bit more... coherence? And yeah, the book isn't perfectly plotted or paced and edited and could use a good bit of work in that respect.

But oh man I'm so happy about these CHARACTERS.

Re: the ending: ROWAN WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY T__T God I'm so sad. And confused. Why do that??? You promised!!!!!! But I'm still aching to read the further instalments, because I need to believe that things are going to turn out all right for my three best girls. ;;

In conclusion: not a perfect book, but it made me an absurdly happy lesbian.