A review by juliahl
Wellness by Nathan Hill


It’s hard to pin down exactly what this book is about, but all of the topics are so important. This covers marriage, how our opinions change as we age, childhood trauma, the impact of technology on our lives, how science affects us all, identity, and grief. This book made me laugh and cry and reflect. I read this book slowly, mostly because of the Spotify audiobook hour limits, but I’m glad because it forced me to digest each part before continuing onwards. Each section was very distinct yet connected.

The best way for me to describe it is as a second coming of age: the maturing we do from our early 20s to our 30s. The identity crisis we face as we don’t become the idealistic version of ourselves we envisioned in our teenage and college years and conform to society without much resistance. It’s about the dissatisfaction everyone faces with their life at times and how we can miss the good things in front of us when we are focused on what we don’t have. How we try to blame external factors beyond ourselves, even though sometimes, we are the problem.

I listened to the audiobook of this and I really enjoyed the narrator. I think I would probably blanket recommend this book to any adult reader.