A review by princessrobotiv
Barbarian Mine by Ruby Dixon


Another decent installment. I liked Harlow a lot and found her past terminal illness a really interesting addition to the story (especially that the khui was capable of holding it at bay but not capable of curing it, which is a good limit on its magical healing powers). Rukh and their near-immediate romance left me mostly neutral, though. Dixon struggled a lot with representing Rukh's speech patterns (meaning, she was inconsistent in how well he could speak at different times in the book, as well as the next few books where Harlow x Rukh feature as side characters). It was also really difficult to reconcile his POV (which could be quite descriptive) with the fact that he had almost no language whatsoever.

It was a sweet romance, though, and Harlow x Rukh remain one of the central side couples throughout the series. I ended up liking them more in later installments, perhaps because at that point we were well through the awkwardness of Dixon trying to represent a character without language. We also got introduced to the Not-Hoth ocean in this one, which will feature prominently throughout later books (especially Josie's and Brooke's).